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Best websites to learn JavaScript

· 2 min read
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Javascript is an object-oriented, scripting, cross-platform web programming language. Javascript is embedded in HTML to create dynamic and interactive web pages. It can be used for a variety of purposes, from frontend to backend, from games to complex web applications.

In this article, I will introduce you to some of the best websites to learn JavaScript. I will introduce these sites and give you some reasons why you should use them to learn JavaScript.


1. MDN Web Docs

MDN Web Docs is a repository of free materials and learning resources for web developers. It was initiated by Mozilla in 2005 as a unified place for documentation on open web standards, Mozilla's own projects, and developer guidelines. MDN Web Docs provides insights into web technologies such as HTML, CSS, JavaScript, and more. MDN Web Docs also has tutorials on how to use web technologies to create modern websites and web applications. This is an open source project, with contributions from the worldwide community of web developers.

JavaScript documentation can be found here: JavaScript Guide.

2. W3Schools

W3Schools is a website for web developers. It offers free tutorials on web programming languages ​​like HTML, CSS, JavaScript, Python, PHP, Java and many more. You can learn and try online examples, take exercises and tests, and get a W3Schools certificate. It also has other products and services such as W3Schools Spaces, W3Schools Color Picker, W3Schools Code Game and W3Schools Easy Learning.

To learn about JavaScript, you can visit this website: JavaScript Tutorial.

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